Frequently Asked Questions
Doggy Daycare at the Willows
We usually recommend that you come and have a look around first before booking in. We can then give you all of the information and booking forms.
Yes, your dog must be fully vaccinated including the kennel cough vaccine. If they haven’t had the vaccine, then they’ll need to have this as soon as possible and then wait 14 days before their first day with us.
I’m afraid we only do doggy day care Monday to Friday. Many of our customers send their dogs to us for day care during the day, and then a friend or family member has them overnight.
Yes, whether the dogs are outside in the fields or in our rest rooms and playroom, they’ll be fully supervised. We ensure there’s one member of staff to every eight dogs as per our licensing requirements.
The price is £22.50 per day for one dog and £40 per day for two dogs from the same home. This is regardless of what time you drop off or pick up.
I’m afraid not - the earliest time you can drop off is 7.30am and the latest collection is 5.30pm.
You don’t need to do the same day every week. But if your set day becomes a regular slot, please give us 48 hours cancellation notice if you’re unable to make it for any reason. We do also do ad hoc days, depending on the space we have available.
If we have extremely hot, severe rain or other bad weather, your dog will be mainly inside and then outside for shorter periods. We have a fully heated and air-conditioned playroom and rest room. Your dog will be happy and comfortable indoors if the weather is bad.
We do provide baths, brushes and nail trims at an additional cost. But we don’t usually need to bath the dogs before they come home, as they are kept relatively clean. If it’s a wet day, they will be towel dried when they come inside.
The dogs need to be able to go out with a minimum of seven other dogs. Due to our licensing, we are required to have one member of staff to every eight dogs. This is how our groups work and we cannot therefore take solo dogs, as they’re unable to go out with anyone else.
We take puppies from 12-14 weeks old, once they’ve had all their vaccinations including the kennel cough vaccine. They can come to our day care 14 days after having this.
Yes, if you have a dog that still eats lunch during the day, it’s fine to bring a tub along with their name on. The dogs are all fed separately at lunchtime in their own rest rooms.
We require 48 hours cancellation notice to give us time to fill any spaces. Otherwise, we have to charge the full cost for the day.
We completely understand that most owners want to wait until their dogs are at least twelve months old before getting them spayed/castrated to give them chance to fully develop. We don’t have a strict policy on neutering, but we would advise that at twelve months old this is usually considered. We will advise you of any issues, for example, humping, dominance, etc. If a bitch is in season, she will need to stay away from day care for two to three weeks until she has finished. She will then be walked in a girl group until we feel that it is safe for her to mix.
We will conduct basic training practices throughout the day. The training principles of sit, stay and return on call are always used to help reinforce the dogs’ training. Many owners notice significant improvements in their dogs’ behaviour because of the constant interaction with humans and other dogs.
We will always call you immediately should any situation arise while your dog is in our care. Once the situation is assessed, if deemed urgent, we will take your dog to the local veterinary practice or your nominated vets. All your dog’s veterinary details are required on our booking forms.
Yes, we are fully ensured and have a five-star licence with Blaby Council.
We are licensed for 34 dogs a day.